Solomon Carter, author of thrillers and crime adventure
Solomon Carter

Solomon Carter is British and writes about what he knows. He grew up around crime. He works around crime. Solomon has written since childhood, then he studied literature and creative writing as a postgraduate, but didn’t get swallowed up in the miasma of literary pretension available. Solomon didn’t want to write about anything other than the real, the gritty, the amazing, and the shocking truth of people’s lives, all wrapped up in the deliciousness of fiction. Solomon Carter wants to entertain.
From growing up in Southend, Essex, Solomon lived in areas across South London, studying at Goldsmiths College.
Solomon Carter has long since worked to help the very people who many of us find disturbing, distasteful and disgusting – those caught up in criminal lifestyles, those who find it nigh on  impossible to leave the life behind. Solomon Carter enjoys working to help them because he believes they are no different from him, you or me.
Solomon Carter writes tough, uncompromising, thrilling, entertainment.
The Long Time Dying series starring Eva Roberts and Dan Bradley.
Out With A Bang - Book 1 in the Long Time Dying series
Out With A Bang – Book 1 in the Long Time Dying series
Join the Roberts Bradley adventure today

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